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Decluttering Before a Deep Cleaning Service

Organizing Before Your Deep Cleaning Contractor Arrives

Feeling overwhelmed by the mess? Want to hire a deep cleaning contractor but you can’t see the floor? Don’t sweat it! This guide will help you declutter efficiently and prepare for a jaw-dropping transformation of your living space. Here’s what you can do to ensure a seamless deep cleaning service:

  1. Kickstart with Quick Wins: Start your decluttering journey in areas that give quick results. Go for the low-hanging fruits like old magazines, unused appliances, or extra decor items. This will motivate you to tackle bigger tasks.
  2. Tackle One Room at a Time: Resist the temptation to do it all at once. Choose one room and stick to it until it’s decluttered. This way, you avoid spreading yourself thin and the mess from one room to another.
  3. Divide and Conquer: Split each room into smaller zones or categories. For example, if you’re working in the living room, divide it into areas like bookshelves, coffee table, and cabinets. Tackle each sub-area one at a time.
  4. Dump, Donate, Keep: For each item you pick up, decide if you will dump it, donate it, or keep it. Be ruthless; if you haven’t used it in a year, you probably don’t need it. Dump items that are beyond repair and donate things that others can still use.
  5. Check Expiry Dates: This is especially crucial in places like the kitchen and bathroom where you keep perishables and medicines. An expired product is an instant candidate for the trash can.
  6. Plan for the Deep Clean: Now that you’ve decluttered, think about how the deep cleaning will go. Keep a small box for items that will need to be moved when your cleaning contractor arrives. The easier you make their job, the better results you’ll get.

In conclusion, decluttering isn’t just about making your home look nice; it’s about making room for a cleaner, healthier living space. With these tips, not only will you feel a sense of accomplishment, but your deep cleaning contractor will also thank you for making their job a breeze. For a seamless deep cleaning service, turn to Scanz Cleaning Service. We’re just a call away from those in Missoula, MT. For inquiries, dial (406) 221-5848!

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